add a little bit of spice… you’re good

add a little bit of spice... you're good

I don’t know about you, but I just about NEED one cup of coffee to get any day started. Something about the smell of freshly brewed coffee makes an early morning much more pleasant.

I use to use a nifty Tassimo machine for my coffee, but found it to be a little less than cost effective for a family of five. So, I went back to the old original coffee maker you can get for $9 at Walmart. Put a little Foldgers French Roast in and we are good.

But, I do have a little tip for those who like to spice things up a bit… which I am always trying to do. Before scooping those coffee grounds into the filter, sprinkle a bit of Pumpkin Spice (can be found in any spice section of your local grocer) into the filter, then scoop the coffee grounds on top, let it brew… pour it in a cup… add a tid bit of sugar and maybe cream (if you’re a cream person) and WALLA – delicious and definitely cheaper than going to Starbucks.

Happy Morning to You All!!!

About riversdeep2mountainshigh

I am just a whimsical little lady who loves the arts and adventure in life... I also love sharing the beauty in chaos with those who are only able to see the destruction. I try not to be just a passer-by ... I like to come in and explore, make new friends, hear great stories, examine the beauty all around me and taste the amazing flavors of my country... America. I have moved all over the U.S. and have many stories to tell... but, I would like to tell new stories of my adventures of the current and future.
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